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Jesus and Islam: Book, ePub, Kindle

Jesus and Islam: Book, ePub, Kindle

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Readers may have a number of reasons for taking the time to study this book:
  • Maybe you know nothing about Islam, and this volume is your first introduction to the religion.
  • Perhaps you have taken a university-level class on Islam and seek to expand your knowledge.
  • Maybe you are a Westerner who is apprehensive about Islam. You worry about what is going to happen to this world, and this fear has impelled you to increase your understanding.
  • Or perhaps you are a Muslim and have a deep-vested interest in the subject; you want to make sure that what the Book says is fair.

Regardless of your background or religion, we hope that Jesus and Islam will stimulate you to deeper thought, and even some soul-searching.

Chapter Titles
Chapter One The Challenge: Open Your Eyes!
Chapter Two Overview: Islam from 622 to the Present Day
Chapter Three Al-Qur'an: The Bible of the Muslims
Chapter Four Violence: The Exception or the Rule?
Chapter Five Response: Turn the Other Cheek?
Chapter Six Connections: Reaching Out to Muslims
Chapter Seven Jesus and Muslims: Will We Follow Our Lord?
Postscript: A Personal Reflection by Abdel Aziz Sarah
Appendix: The Structure of the Qur'an

Aziz Abu Sarah is an Arab Palestinian, born and raised in Jerusalem. He became a Christian in 1999, and has served as a leader with various churches in the Middle East. Aziz has spoken in churches, synagogues, and mosques on interfaith dialogue and the role of religion in reconciliation. He has also appeared before numerous international organizations and universities, including Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and Yale, and even before the European Parliament. Mr. Sarah is highly involved in the Israeli-Palestinian peace movement, and as a result of his excellent work has been honored with the Goldberg Prize for Peace in the Middle East from the Institute of International Education, the Silver Rose Award from the European Parliament, and the Eisenhower Medallion.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Jesus and Islam

This book will probably clear up any confusion between Islam and reading

Glad you found it to be helpful! I just returned to Englanf from a Muslim country. It's so important that we try to be informed. Thanks, Kelly

Simon M.

Very good insight into Islam.


Doug always has a way of making things very clear. I have read many of his books and I highly recommend this one, It is a great book that separates fact from fiction. It should be required reading for every Christian who wants to have a deeper understanding of Islam.


I read this book as part of a Master's course on World Religion taught by Dr. Jacoby at Lincoln Christian University. It was a great book to begin my journey into the knowledge of the Muslim world. It was very accurate, non-biased and thought-provoking. I would recommend it for all, young and old, schooled and unschooled. I had to accept that the reality that the Islam religion is over 20% of the world's population. This book helps to see them as God sees them, as they see themselves and gives a road to showing them how much the loving Father desires to fill them with HIS LOVE.

Joseph T.

Doug Jacoby does an excellent job of explaining Islam, and then taking a critical look at the teachings of Islam. He discusses what Judaism and Christianity have in common with Islam and Muslims, and then looks at the problems with the Islamic faith as well. His approach is understanding, loving and compassionate. So many people today only want to focus on 9/11, Islamic extremists, and the fringe element. Dr Jacoby, who is a Christian scholar, is very fair with Muslims in this book. While he of course believes in Jesus and the bible, and makes a strong case for Christianity, he also is respectful of those who follow Islam. I highly recommend this book, or his audio version (entitled The Muslim Challenge"). The audio is not a transcript of the book, but it does cover a lot of the same material (for those who have more time in their cars than they have to read). I have both the book and the audio, and both are excellent.